Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Reflections on Ethics

It has been going along wonderfully. I actually am having a quite easy time finding sources. I am behind two journals, which I am trying to fix now :)

I am taking a Principles of Management class, and one of the books that we use is an ethics journal for 06/07. Every week we read two articles from it. I haven’t used it as a source yet; I have been doing most of my source searching online. I know that after awhile I am going to run out of online sources, but as of now that hasn’t happened. I am going to save the articles in the ethics journal for a rainy day I suppose. I know that we are supposed to find sources from online, books, and journals but it is easier for me to go to one source like online, find everything that I can, then move to the next. Also the ethics journal we use in class has a link so that we can see other ethical/unethical behavior happening now. As my research has moved along, so has my subject. When I first chose a topic it was plain old Business ethics. After the research I have done, I feel that the subject may be too wide. What I really find interesting is all the unethical behavior happening. As of now, the things I would like to include in my paper are a major unethical controversy (Enron), what the government has done to try and fix all the loopholes that scandals such an Enron have brought to light, and also what business colleges and universities are doing to try and teach business students ethics. After the research I have done, I think I am almost ready to set up and outline for my paper because I know now what I would like to talk about. This also helps with source finding, so that I do not spend time on a source I am not going to end up using.

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