Thursday, January 25, 2007

Business Ethics

When morals and values become associated with a company or some type of business, it can be described as business ethics. Have many businesses lost sight of their values? Did big businesses years ago have more of these morals instilled within them? Or have we just begun to notice this, and expect America's business to behave ethically. These questions are first what came to mind. I would like to research how big businesses in the past have dealt with this issue, and compare it to how they are today. I would also like to look into topics such as drug testing, investing and stock holding, and hiring practices. Is drug testing ethical? And if a business decides to drug test their employees do they create a process that if fair and legal for all employees? Are the employees receiving and buying stock at an ethical price? Or are they buying it illegally much cheaper than those outside of the company? Do most businesses today have good ethics instilled within them? When they hire new employees do they look for Caucasian males? Or do they find the person with the best qualifications? Do statistics from big businesses show that they are hiring more people from minorities? I plan to explore these few topics for my first few posts, and I hope that they lead me to more topics to help thoroughly prove the comparison of business ethics today and business ethics of the past.

1 comment:

onewingedangel said...

Hey Casey, nice to see your blog is up! I think you did a really good job with your first post. You posed some great questions that are worth exploring, although it seems it may be a bit difficult to really get the truth about whether or not companies are doing these unethical things. I don’t think they are going to be upfront about being racist, or buying stocks illegally, but I think there are ways to get by that, like looking at the companies that have been found out and brought to public light for these things. This is very interesting though and I hope you find enough information to keep on this topic.